Lattice properties

pySC.lattice_properties.response_model.SCgetModelDispersion(SC, BPMords, CAVords, trackMode='ORB', Z0=array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), nTurns=1, rfStep=1000.0, useIdealRing=True)[source]

Calculates the lattice dispersion based on current setpoints

Calculates the dispersion at the ordinates BPMords by changing the frequency of the rf cavities specified in CAVords using the current magnet setpoints without any roll/alignment/calibration errors. Optionally the design lattice is used.

  • SC -- SimulatedCommissioning class instance

  • BPMords -- Index of BPMs in SC.RING (SC.ORD.BPM)

  • CAVords -- Index of RF Cavities in SC.RING (SC.ORD.CM)

  • trackMode -- (default = ‘TBT’) If TBT the turn-by-turn RM is calculated. If ORB the orbit RM is calculated, using at.findorbit6

  • Z0 -- (default = numpy.zeros(6)) Initial condition for tracking. In ORB-mode this is used as the initial guess for findorbit6.

  • nTurns -- (default = 1) Number of turns over which to determine the TBT-RM. Ignored if in ORB-mode.

  • rfStep -- (default = 1e3) Change of rf frequency [Hz]

  • useIdealRing -- (default=False) If true, the design lattice specified in SC.IDEALRING is used.


The dispersion given in [m/Hz].

pySC.lattice_properties.response_model.SCgetModelRING(SC: SimulatedCommissioning, includeAperture: bool = False) Lattice[source]

Returns a model lattice based on current setpoints

This function calculates a model lattice based on the setpoints of SC.RING. Misalignments, lattice errors and dipole fields are excluded.

  • SC -- SimulatedCommissioning class instance

  • includeAperture -- (default=False) If true, the returned model ring includes the aperture


The idealised RING structure

pySC.lattice_properties.response_model.SCgetModelRM(SC, BPMords, CMords, trackMode='TBT', Z0=array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), nTurns=1, dkick=1e-05, useIdealRing=True)[source]

Determine the lattice response matrix based on current setpoints.

SCgetModelRM calculates the response matrix RM with the BPMs at the ordinates BPMords and corrector magnets at ordinates CMords using the current magnet setpoints without any roll/alignment/calibration errors. CMords is a 2-cell array containing the two lists for the horizontal and vertical CMs respectively. This routine can determine the turn-by-turn RM, as well as the orbit-RM; see option ‘trackMode’.

  • SC -- SimulatedCommissioning class instance

  • BPMords -- Index of BPMs in SC.RING (SC.ORD.BPM)

  • CMords -- Index of Correctors Magnets in SC.RING (SC.ORD.CM)

  • trackMode -- (default = ‘TBT’) If TBT the turn-by-turn RM is calculated. If ORB the orbit RM is calculated, using at.findorbit6

  • Z0 -- (default = numpy.zeros(6)) Initial condition for tracking. In ORB-mode this is used as the initial guess for findorbit6.

  • nTurns -- (default = 1) Number of turns over which to determine the TBT-RM. Ignored if in ORB-mode.

  • dkick -- (default = 1e-5) Kick [rad] to be added when numerically determining the partial derivatives.

  • useIdealRing -- (default = True) If True, the design lattice specified in SC.IDEALRING is used. If False, the model lattice is used SCgetModelRING(SC).


The response matrix given in [m/rad].


Compute a response matrix:

RM1 = SCgetModelRM(SC, SC.ORD.BPM, SC.ORD.CM, nTurns=1)